About me

Message from the clinic director

Hello! I am Issei, the director of the Last-stop Chiropractic Clinic.

I used to have a physical problem.

I started to have numbness in the lower back and right leg when I was a college sophomore and suffered non-stop for 3 years.

I could not play my favorite sport soccer anymore. After working on my feet for just 4 hours, I would have terrible pain and muscle ache that made me spend the whole next day in bed. I took one day at a time, wearing a corset, wondering how long I had to live like this.

I visited so many well-known hospitals and received self-pay treatment, spending several million yen and so much time.

Now my symptoms have improved, and I treat many patients on a daily basis. When I was hopping hospitals and osteopathic/chiropractic clinics to seek a solution for my physical problem, I wondered,

Why can’t I be cured?

Why do I have to suffer so much pain?

Why don’t they tell me what is causing my pain?

The desperation I used to have as a patient is the driving force to improve my chiropractic techniques and my ability to explore the root cause of physical discomfort in my patients.

I hear many clinics sell coupon tickets or treat patients just a little at a time to make them come back again and again to make money and expand their business.

But I try to stand in my patients’ shoes. My practice aims to improve the patients’ symptoms quickly during the first treatment session as much as possible.

I will commit to address the unique symptoms of individual patients.

I will never recommend purchasing coupon tickets or intentionally make your symptoms improve only a little at a time.

You can record or videotape the treatment session.

I will not just perform procedures to improve your symptoms. I will explore and find the root cause of your physical problem.

I will give advice to correct the wrong way of using your body and/or the wrong way of covering a certain body part because of the symptom.

The clinic offers a full money-back guarantee if your symptom does not improve.

Now so many patients recommend the clinic to their friends and leave favorable reviews.

I was deeply depressed when I was suffering from severe symptoms because I could not do what had been easy and natural to me. I sincerely hope people troubled by their physical problems will recover quickly and get back to their happy selves.

Putting patients’ interest first and always reminding myself of the feelings I had when I was suffering from the awful symptoms, I will commit to identify the root cause and improve the symptoms in each patient.

Clinic Representative


I will resolve the root cause of the client’s physical problem to help break free from the painful symptom.


1. Every single person is supposed to be healthy. Last-stop Orthopedic Clinic will offer services to help you become healthy.

2. The company created by Japan’s No. 1 therapist will also value the health of staff.

3. Your pain will be relieved quickly and greatly. The therapist will also work on the minds of clients. His wish is to make Japan healthy.

Biography of the clinic representative

  • Used to be a bed-ridden patient for 3 years; now a chiropractor with a license of physical therapist.
  • Created the Garbage Training program.
  • Lecturer at the Chiropractic Café Workshop hosted by Nishinippon Shimibun Culture Circle.
  • Speaker at an 85-attendee lecture meeting hosted by a private council.
  • Speaker at seminars hosted by a job assistance organization for disabled and for youth baseball/soccer players.
  • The Garbage Training Program incorporating trash picking and muscle training has been covered by TV, newspapers, and radio.
  • Uses the original method to identify the habit of body and help clients break free from their symptoms without additional appointments.
  • Have worked on more than 10000 clients.

Last-stop Chiropractic Clinic

  • More than 100 people visited the clinic by word of mouth in the first month.
  • 93.5% of new clients recommend Last-stop Chiropractic Clinic to their friends and relatives.
  • Has received media coverage by more than 10 national and local (Fukuoka) TV programs and newspapers.
  • 104 out of 106 Google reviewers gave 5-star rating. (as of January 5, 2020)